
It has been almost five years since my father’s passing and we are approaching the two year mark since my mother passed. There are many everyday occurrences that make me think of one or both of them. Ronald and Grace Schafer were very instrumental in my life and will be remembered by all their family members.

I started this blog in 2015 and at the time was very interested in the collection of Showalter items that was amassed in my house. That collection has held steady for many years but my pursuit waned a bit. Life steered me in different directions, but I do not forget the impact that Showalter’s Dairy has had on my life. It is part of me.

I have “run into” many people who remember fondly Showalter’s Dairy. I love to talk about the “old days” (most before I was born). Recently, a viewer of this blog messaged me and would be interested in Showalter memorabilia. This has prompted me to write this entry and reinvigorate my interest in the matter.

I hope to post more often on this blog as I near my retirement in just a few months. Until then, enjoy.

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